Meet Point

Montée du Château, Vianden, Luxemburg
Nearest Train Station:Vianden Place Engelmann


Trip details


3 hours


  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Dutch


Montée du Château


  • Visit one of the 21 most beautiful castles in the world
  • Enjoy a panoramic view of the medieval city of Vianden
  • Fairytale feeling guaranteed
  • Former refuge of French writer Victor Hugo


Visit one of the most fascinating castles ever! Vianden Castle has even made it to the list of the 21 most beautiful castles in the world in 2019 – published by the American News Network CNN. Today, the castle is one of the most important historical monuments in Europe.

  • Entry ticket for a visit of Vianden Castle

Built between the 11th and 14th centuries, Vianden Castle is today one of the most important historical monuments in Europe. Numerous tourists and residents make their way some 50 km north of Luxembourg City to visit the restored building and enjoy its spectacular location on a hill overlooking the Our Valley.


Vianden Castle is one of the largest and most beautiful feudal residences of the Romanesque and Gothic periods in Europe. Until the beginning of the 15th century it was the residence of the powerful Counts of Vianden, who could boast of their relations with the imperial court.


In 1417 the county and the castle were inherited by the younger branch of the (German) House of Nassau, which also took over the French Principality of Orange in 1530. The chapel and the two manors, the most remarkable parts of the castle, were built in the late 12th to early 13th centuries. The Jülich building, to the west of the great Pallas (it no longer exists) dates back to the beginning of the 14th century, while the Nassau building was not constructed until the beginning of the 17th century. In 1820, during the reign of William I of Orange-Nassau, King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Count of Vianden, the castle was sold and dismantled into its components, which led to its destruction.


In 1890, the castle became the property of Grand Duke Adolphe of the Nassau dynasty and remained so until 1977, when it became the property of the Luxembourgish government. Renovated and rebuilt since then, respecting the historical style, the castle is now a monument of European rank.

  • Private guide (audioguides are available for an extra 2 € in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Chinese at the cash desk)
  • Drinks and snacks

– Requirements: none
– Please bring:  

  • Please bring your E-ticket

–  Important info:  
  • This ticket does not include a guide.
  • Visitors who wish to have a guided tour must contact the castle administration by e-mail:
  • Dogs are only partially allowed. They are allowed in the courtyard and in the cafeteria, not inside the castle.

Trip details


3 hours


  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Dutch


Montée du Château


  • Visit one of the 21 most beautiful castles in the world
  • Enjoy a panoramic view of the medieval city of Vianden
  • Fairytale feeling guaranteed
  • Former refuge of French writer Victor Hugo
  • Besichtigen Sie eines der 21 schönsten Schlösser der Welt
  • Genießen Sie einen Panoramablick über die mittelalterliche Stadt Vianden
  • Märchenhaftes Feeling garantiert
  • Attraktiver Gruppenpreis
  • Visite de l'un des 21 plus beaux châteaux du monde
  • Profitez d'une vue panoramique sur la ville médiévale de Vianden
  • Sensation féerique garantie
  • Prix de groupe attractif


Visitez l’un des châteaux les plus fascinants qui existent ! Le château de Vianden a même fait partie de la liste des 21 plus beaux châteaux du monde en 2019 – publiée par la chaîne d’information américaine CNN. Aujourd’hui, le château est l’un des monuments historiques les plus importants d’Europe.

Besuchen Sie eines der fasznierendsten Schlösser überhaupt! Das Schloss Vianden hat es im Jahr 2019 sogar auf die Liste der 21 schönsten Schlösser der Welt geschafft – veröffentlicht vom Amerikanischen News Network CNN. Heute zählt das Schloss zu den bedeutendsten historischen Denkmälern in Europa.

Visit one of the most fascinating castles ever! Vianden Castle has even made it to the list of the 21 most beautiful castles in the world in 2019 – published by the American News Network CNN. Today, the castle is one of the most important historical monuments in Europe.

  • Entry ticket for a visit of Vianden Castle

  • Ticket d’entrée pour une visite du château de Vianden

  • Eintrittskarte für eine Besichtigung des Schloss Viandens

Built between the 11th and 14th centuries, Vianden Castle is today one of the most important historical monuments in Europe. Numerous tourists and residents make their way some 50 km north of Luxembourg City to visit the restored building and enjoy its spectacular location on a hill overlooking the Our Valley.


Vianden Castle is one of the largest and most beautiful feudal residences of the Romanesque and Gothic periods in Europe. Until the beginning of the 15th century it was the residence of the powerful Counts of Vianden, who could boast of their relations with the imperial court.


In 1417 the county and the castle were inherited by the younger branch of the (German) House of Nassau, which also took over the French Principality of Orange in 1530. The chapel and the two manors, the most remarkable parts of the castle, were built in the late 12th to early 13th centuries. The Jülich building, to the west of the great Pallas (it no longer exists) dates back to the beginning of the 14th century, while the Nassau building was not constructed until the beginning of the 17th century. In 1820, during the reign of William I of Orange-Nassau, King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Count of Vianden, the castle was sold and dismantled into its components, which led to its destruction.


In 1890, the castle became the property of Grand Duke Adolphe of the Nassau dynasty and remained so until 1977, when it became the property of the Luxembourgish government. Renovated and rebuilt since then, respecting the historical style, the castle is now a monument of European rank.


Construit entre le 11e et le 14e siècle, le château de Vianden est aujourd’hui l’un des monuments historiques les plus importants d’Europe. De nombreux touristes et résidents se rendent à quelque 50 km au nord de la ville de Luxembourg pour visiter le bâtiment restauré et profiter de son emplacement spectaculaire sur une colline surplombant la vallée de l’Our.


Le château est une des plus grandes et plus belles résidences féodales des époques romane et gothique de l’Europe.Jusqu’au début du 15e siècle, il était la demeure des puissants comtes de Vianden qui pouvaient se vanter de leurs relations avec la cour impériale et dont le plus glorieux, Henri Ier (1220-1250), avait comme épouse Marguerite de Courtenay, proche parente des Capétiens, rois de France.


Zwischen dem 11. und 14. Jahrhundert erbaut, zählt das Schloss Vianden heute zu den bedeutendsten historischen Monumenten in Europa. Zahlreiche Touristen und Einwohner machen sich rund 50 km nördlich von Luxemburg-Stadt auf den Weg, um das restaurierte Bauwerk zu besichtigen und seine spektakuläre Lage auf einem Hügel über dem Ourtal zu genießen.


Das Schloss Vianden ist eines der größten und schönsten feudalen Residenzen der Romanik und Gotik in Europa. Bis zum Beginn des 15. Jahrhunderts war es die Residenz der mächtigen Grafen von Vianden, die sich ihrer Beziehungen zum kaiserlichen Hof rühmen konnten.

  • Private guide (audioguides are available for an extra 2 € in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Chinese at the cash desk)
  • Drinks and snacks

  • Guide (guides audio disponibles en français, allemand, anglais, espagnol, italien, néerlandais, portugais, russe, japonais et chinois pour un prix de 2 € à la caisse)
  • Boissons et snacks


  • Guide (Audioguide ist für 2 € in den Sprachen Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Japanisch und Chinesisch an der Kasse erhältlich)
  • Getränke und Snacks

– Requirements: none
– Please bring:  

  • Please bring your E-ticket

–  Important info:  
  • This ticket does not include a guide.
  • Visitors who wish to have a guided tour must contact the castle administration by e-mail:
  • Dogs are only partially allowed. They are allowed in the courtyard and in the cafeteria, not inside the castle.


– Exigences: none
– Veuillez apporter :  

  • Veuillez apporter votre ticket (imprimé ou numérique)

–  Informations importantes:  
  • Les visiteurs qui souhaitent bénéficier d’une visite guidée doivent contacter l’administration du château par écrit: e-mail :
  • Avec ce ticket électronique, vous évitez la file d’attente.
  • Les chiens ne sont que partiellement autorisés. Ils ont admis dans la cour et à la cafétéria.


– Voraussetzungen: none
– Bitte mitbringen:   

  • Bitte bringen Sie Ihr E-Ticket mit

–  Wichtige Informationen:  
  • Die Besucher, die eine Führung wünschen, müssen sich schriftlich an die Schlossverwaltung wenden. E-Mail:
  • Mit diesem Online-Ticket können Sie die Warteschlange überspringen
  • Hunde sind nur teilweise erlaubt. Hunde sind im Hof und in der Cafeteria zugelassen.

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Near this trip

Montée du Château, Vianden, Luxemburg


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